What Coaching Means to Me
As kids we are nurtured and supported as we develop key life skills that take us through our early years all the way through to teenhood and beyond to young adults.
As ‘grown ups’ we are left to fend for ourselves ;-) but I believe that every day is still a ‘school day’, it really is . The older we get, the more full life becomes and the quicker time speeds away with us. The rate of change in the world is constant and often full of comparison and unrealistic images.
Choosing how we spend our time and money is an on going process both valuable in different ways to each individual.
I believe time spent investing in our own self development, growth and care is worth the time and money a million times over.
It took me a long time to prioritise myself and its something I’m still working on. It took a redundancy out of the blue and finding my own coach to come to the realisation that unless I look after myself and start to put myself first there will be a limit on the amount I can give to those I hold most dear. It felt selfish to spend time and money on myself when there were so many other pressures on both resources, having a stressful job, being mum to two young boys as well as wife, sister, friend to a close network of people who were so important to me.
I learnt first hand what the positive impact of coaching is and continues to be in my life and I am super keen to share what I’ve learnt and support others so they to can get comfortable with putting themselves first and truly flourish.
I feel positive about the progress I have made over the past year and want to thank Alex for her amazing support. I would highly recommend Alex as a coach!
- Claire